Can You Add Charcoal to an Electric Smoker? Let’s Explore

Can you add charcoal to an electric smoker? Continue reading to learn more!

Food smoking is a long-standing tradition that has matured into something almost luxurious. Electric smokers have made the process even easier, but many people are concerned about whether a system that merges the future with the past will produce the desired results.

Is it feasible to use an electric smoker with charcoal? Yes, you may use charcoal in an electric smoker. The tray that comes with most electric smokers is designed to hold wood chips, but it can also be used to hold charcoal. An electric smoker’s goal is to add the flavor of your food while requiring less upkeep and cooking time than other types of smokers.

If you like your electric smoker but miss the flavor infusions that charcoal and pellet smokers can deliver, adding charcoal to it could help you get closer to a more robust flavor. Continue reading to learn more about how electric smokers work, why adding charcoal to your smoker is a good idea, and how you can convert from electric smoking to anything different if your needs change.

How Does an Electric Smoker Work? 

Electric smokers, unlike their charcoal and pellet-burning counterparts, use electricity to satisfy your smoking aspirations. This may appear to be a strange concept, given most people’s perceptions of what smoking actually looks like. Traditional smokers, on the other hand, offer a creative way of smoking meat that is more portable and user-friendly than electric smokers.

Pellet smokers and electric smokers are similar in that they both require an electric outlet to operate. Electricity, on the other hand, is used in a very different way. Electric smokers use electricity to heat the food you wish to cook rather than combustion to smoke it.

The ability to control the temperature using a rheostat or a thermostat is what makes electric smokers so enticing. With these settings, the temperature may be more easily controlled, and heat fluctuation is nearly non-existent, unlike with other smokers.

So you’ve mastered your heating methods, but how can you make the leap from electric to smoked? This transformation may appear implausible, but there is magic lurking behind the surface of the electric smoker. Most electric smokers have a small tray that holds wood pellets. When the controls, either the rheostat or the thermostat, are turned on, a coil heats up, warming and smoldering the wood pellets.

As a result, smoke is formed, which is able to permeate the item you’ve chosen to cook in your electric smoker with care. This smoke is responsible for the smoky flavor that so many people like in your food.

Why Add Charcoal to An Electric Smoker? 

One of the best aspects of electric smokers is their convenience. Unlike charcoal or pellet-burning smoker, an electric smoker is a cooking appliance that you can switch on, walk away from, and leave to its own devices. You won’t have to continue checking what you’re cooking to make sure everything is going according to plan, thanks to its precise temperature control.

However, because it is powered by electricity, several chefs complain that it lacks the rich smoky flavor that charcoal or pellet smokers can provide. Despite the fact that the wood pellet tray contributes to the taste of the meat, the flavor is generally muted rather than creating a powerful impact on diners.

As a result, many people have wondered if adding charcoal to their electric smoker might add some zing to their recipe. Although the amount you can add to your tray is limited, many individuals have found that adding a few charcoal bricks to their tray gives their food a more smoky flavor. Break off a few charcoal bricks and add them in with your wood chips if charcoal does not light as well as wood chips.

When it comes to grilling and smoking, many people favor charcoal because of its distinct flavor. Charcoal has a stronger flavor than most wood chips, and it can generate a much smokier flavor when cooked at high temperatures.

Because electric smokers have a small tray, this could be a great way to add flavor to your dinner without overcooking it or purchasing a new smoker. The charcoal will not harm your electric smoker and may be used in the same way as wood chips in the tray.

Don’t worry if you want to add a little something extra to your electrically smoked foods. You won’t have to sacrifice flavor for convenience or speed when using charcoal in your electric smoking activities.

Does Adding Charcoal Make a Huge Difference In Flavor? 

You now know that you can use charcoal in your electric smoker to potentially add all of your smoking desires. However, as previously stated, most electric smokers have a small smoking tray, limiting the number of wood chips or charcoal that can be used. Electric smokers’ primary function is to quickly smoke food, with smoky flavor coming in second. Given this, you might be wondering how much of a difference adding charcoal to your cuisine makes in terms of flavor.

After adding charcoal to their electric smoker’s wood chip tray, several customers claim to have noticed a little boost in flavor. The flavor, on the other hand, isn’t going to knock your socks off, blow your mind, or make you want to tell everyone you know about your wonderful find. Because charcoal has to be so little, its impact on food is modest, but despite its insignificance, many people have recognized its flavor enhancement.

Many electric smoker users want the smoke ring that charcoal and pellet-burning smokers can make on their own meats, in addition to the flavor. A smoke ring occurs when charcoal and pellets are heated at high temperatures for lengthy periods of time.

Electric smokers, on the other hand, are incompatible with this method of cooking because they can only reach extremely high temperatures and are not designed to cook food for extended periods of time. Adding charcoal to an electric smoker for this purpose would, unfortunately, fail because meats require high heat and extensive cooking times to generate a perfect smoke ring.

Charcoal Smoking Options

Yes, electric smokers are incredibly user-friendly, are the kings of speed when it comes to smoking your favorite meats, sides, and even desserts, and are portable enough to travel from location to location without dismantling a full grilling station.

If adding charcoal to your electric smoker isn’t cutting it for a more pronounced smokey flavor, there are several options that each have their own set of advantages. Charcoal smokers are your next best option for getting that distinct flavor that only charcoal can deliver.

Switching from an electric to a charcoal smoker may seem intimidating at first since it necessitates a bit more engagement in the cooking process, but fear not, a well-made charcoal smoker can maintain temperature without you having to check on it every hour.

Because you must heat your coals and ensure a good burn all the way through before you start cooking, charcoal smokers are a little more hands-on than electric smokers. After that, simply place the coals on the grill, add wood chips to enhance the smoke and flavor, and either add water to a water tray or start cooking your dish.

After you’ve finished preparing the food, the charcoal smoker should be able to keep its temperature without much help from the cook. Because the smoking process takes far longer with a charcoal smoker than it does with an electric smoker, you can invest the time necessary to give your food that smokey flavor. Your meat will be more flavorful than what an electric smoker can provide due to the longer cooking time and higher temperatures that charcoal smokers are meant to achieve.


Can you add charcoal to an electric smoker? If you want a more noticeable smokey flavor in your dishes, charcoal smokers may be the way to go. However, adding charcoal bricks to your electric smoker will be sufficient if you only want a trace of charcoal flavor in your cuisine.